Reasons to Upgrade Your Central Heating System

In Ireland, many older properties still rely on traditional central heating systems. You might not realise that these outdated systems could cost you more than you think, especially during the chilly winter months. If you’re living with an older-style central heating system, maybe it’s time to consider an upgrade.

At MPH GAS PLUMBING & HEATING, our team of experts has compiled a list of compelling benefits to help you make an informed decision about upgrading your central heating system.

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1. Enhanced Energy Efficiency
The initial cost of installing a new heating system might seem daunting, but the long-term savings far outweigh the upfront investment. New central heating systems are significantly more energy-efficient, resulting in reduced energy waste and lower monthly heating bills.

2. Greater Control
Modern central heating technology offers precise control over temperature levels in individual rooms through features like smart thermostats and smartphone connectivity. Additional controls, such as outdoor sensors and thermostatic radiator valves, can further boost boiler efficiency, and these can be integrated when you opt for a new central heating system. Speak to our team to explore your options.

3. Space-Saving Design
Traditional central heating systems often come with bulky boilers that occupy substantial room space. Today’s boilers are not only more energy-efficient but also compact and quiet. They not only save space but also provide peace of mind with their quiet operation.

4. Reduced Carbon Footprint
New central heating systems are eco-friendlier due to their enhanced efficiency. Their design minimises environmental impact, contributing to a reduction in your carbon footprint.

5. Tailored Systems
We assess your home’s hot water and heating demands, so we can recommend the most suitable central heating system tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

6. Improved Health
Central heating systems maintain a consistent indoor temperature that can benefit your health. Unlike older systems that may circulate dust and allergens, newer systems contribute to a cleaner, healthier home environment.

Contact Us Today
Discover how we can help you upgrade your central heating system – Call us on 01 524 0299  /  085 230 1936, and we will guide you through the best Central Heating System for your home.

Don’t miss out on the advantages of a modern, efficient central heating system.
Gas Boiler Service